Questions and Answers

We want to give a farm as a gift, do we need to populate it with ants right away? What kind of care is required? How long can the ants wait in the box?

You can pre-order the set, the ants can wait in the box for 5-6 weeks, they live in a glass test tube, they have their own food and water. No care is needed. Store at room temperature.

Can ants escape from the farm?

NO! Each farm from Ant Farms Calgary undergoes quality control, escape of ants from the farm is EXCLUDED. But even if an escape happens, they will try to return to the formicarium, since ordinary ants are very attached to their family, and they have no motivation to escape and live separately.

What is the correct way to decorate an arena before or after occupancy?

We recommend decorating the arena after the ants have completely moved into the nest, it is better to give them a couple of days so that the colony gets used to the new place and takes all the garbage to the arena. After that, remove it from the arena with a cotton swab, and you can decorate the arena with decor.

How often should you feed ants?

All types of harvester ants make grain reserves both in the incubator and in the anthill, so they are fed as needed (approximately once every 2-3 months). They eat grains: mustard, millet, poppy, chia, flax seed and others, the preferences of colonies of the same species can vary significantly, so you can experimentally determine their gastronomic preferences. You can also treat your pets with various fruits (not citrus!) – apple, pear, banana, boiled potatoes, watermelon / pumpkin seeds. If you are not sure whether you can give some food to ants – write to us!

How to speed up colony growth?

Our biologists recommend feeding ants protein twice a week! If you are not ready to give live insects, we recommend replacing them with chicken egg white, boiled chicken or shrimp (boil without adding salt/spices). Do not forget to remove any food from the arena after 12 hours! Serve food in a feeder, pieces should be at least 2 cm in size, because ants will drag a small piece of food into the “nest”, and this can cause mold to appear. IMPORTANT, do not pick up insects from the street – they can be infected!

What to do if there are too many ants?

If you have an XL farm, we recommend purchasing a larger formicarium in our store.
All Ant Calgary farms (except the “XL” model) are modular, with a rigid fastening system. If you have a 2XL/3XL/3XV farm, you can increase your farm with modules such as “X”, “XV”, “ARENA”

Is it okay to leave ants alone while on vacation?

All our ant farms are equipped with ventilation and auto-humidification systems – which will not leave your insects without water for a long time. You can safely travel and not worry that your pets will be left without moisture!

Before vacation, we recommend that you thoroughly humidify the farm, feed the ants and fill the auto-humidification tube. In case of a long absence, we additionally recommend placing a water bowl with water in the arena.

Is it necessary to open the farm and ventilate it?

The farm needs to be ventilated only in one case – if you have over-moistened the formicarium and condensation has formed in it. In such cases, you need to remove the lid from the arena, smear the edges with “anti-escape” and leave for several days. As soon as the condensation disappears, wipe off the anti-escape with a damp cloth, wipe dry and close the lid.


Will the ants run away when I clean the arena and feed them?

If you have a lot of ants, it will be very, very difficult to clean the farm without “anti-escape”. We also recommend purchasing a set for cleaning the formicarium in our store. You will find video instructions on how to clean our farms on our YouTube channel!

How long does it take for a colony to grow?

If the ants are comfortable, the number can increase from 400 to 800 individuals in 1 year!

What type of ants are included?

Our kits include seasonal ants.

Even beginners can keep and care for these ants. They are not aggressive and do not bite. Once comfortable conditions are created, there is practically no need to care for the harvesters.

With a supply of water and food, they easily tolerate the absence of a person for several weeks.
In addition, they do not require wintering.

What to do if the uterus dies?

In case of the death of the “queen” the colony will continue to exist only as long as the worker ants live. In case of the death of the queen, please contact us!!! We will definitely find a way out of this unpleasant situation.

Can I come to you, look at the product, touch it and choose?

You can come and see and touch everything with your hands!
We will show you everything, tell you everything, and select the best formicarium for you!

What if the goods are damaged on the way? Are there any guarantees for this case?

If the product received any damage during delivery, please let us know and we will immediately send a new one. We will only ask you to send a photo or video of the damage by email or to our WhatsApp!

Do you have farm certificates?

YES! The certificate is issued on a voluntary basis, since ant farms are not subject to mandatory certification.

Where are your trusses produced?

We have had our own production since 2015. The company’s staff even includes scientists (biologists) who help us create the best ant farms!


A smart person is not the one who knows all the answers,
but the one who is not afraid to ask questions.

Ant Farms Calgary

Making an order is easy

1. Order on the website

You place an order online on the website.

2. Clarification

The manager will contact you and confirm the order.

3. Delivery

Shipping across Canada or Local pickup in the coming days.

4. Receiving

Pay on website or upon receipt in a convenient way.

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