Oecophylla smaragdina – friendly and fearless weaver ants

Weaver ants Oecophylla smaragdina are skilled hunters who are always lucky. And it’s not about powerful mandibles, acid or a poisonous sting. Ecophyllas are just very friendly, they work and fight harmoniously, as a single organism, whose cells understand each other without words.

Having found large and dangerous prey, these ants surround it, grab all protruding parts of the body and stretch it. There are so many hunters that even the terrible centipede can do nothing with them, because it is completely immobilized.

At this point, acid comes into play, generously poured over the victim by those not busy holding him.

Done! You can send it to the nest. This process also goes smoothly: Oecophylla grab their load from all sides and carry it first along the ground, and then along a vertical tree trunk – they are helped in this by the tenacious claws on their paws.

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