Myrmecomorphy is the ability of various organisms to copy the appearance of ants. Which arthropods cannot imitate ants?

Myrmecomorphy is very popular among spiders. Myrmarachne, Pranburia, Aphantochilus – these are far from all the genera of arachnids where there are mimic species. Some hunt ants, using camouflage, others just want to get lost among the insects to hide from birds.

There are fewer ant-like bugs. Most of these creatures belong to the Alydidae family. They usually lead a peaceful life, living in areas protected by ants and feeding on plant juice, but some are able to penetrate anthills to feast on brood.

Mimicry flies are even rarer. They are found in the Sepsidae family (the popular name is “Ant-wings”), Micropezidae, Ulidiidae and some others. Of all the myrmecomorphs, flies are the most neutral towards ants: they do not interact with them in any way, and feed on flowers and decaying organic matter.
Myrmecomorphs can be very different creatures. Perhaps, only millipedes do not have them. To look like an ant when you have so many legs and a long body is not an easy task…